Friday, September 5, 2014

Sometimes in life it is really easy to feel down like you are entrenched in a dark spot. Feeling that all week! But, in reality aren't I lucky enough to have a home, one well-behaved lab, one psychotic lab puppy lol, three healthy boys, and a wonderful man who loves me unconditionally! Even more so, my parents and siblings are all here! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what we do have, but it is not always easy!!!

All week I have been listening to some positive songs and quotes to get my optimism grooving! And I must, because life is for living! Don't want to waste time on the negative! If you are feeling the same way, I am praying for ya!

Although I am working on the positive, there is always work to do! As a special education teacher, my reality is that job security in my chosen career is about as secure as a person walking across a thin layer of ice. Risky! So, this week I have been thinking about the what if's! What if I lose my job, what if I can't find any teaching job if I do lose my job next year, and what if I have to choose another career? I am thinking about other options just in case.

I got called for my first adoption placement...the person was older and had some pretty serious meds and issues. I am glad I got a call but knew this was not the right child for us. Pray that this child finds a home!

So, all you trying to get positive people like me just out this quote and song that I "used" a lot this week to bring up the sun and to remind me to be nice even when I don't feel it.

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