Thursday, August 28, 2014

Adoption Worker

G Man's college picture
I have been reading many adoption books, blogs, and state adoption websites. So, today when the adoption worker stopped by I found out that I didn't know as much as I thought I did. When I heard that I got my foster license, I had assumed that the adoption worker was just going to go over the process. Well, we received some more paperwork, actually, quite close to the foster license paperwork we just finished with Sarah our foster care licensing worker. Bad news, more paperwork, good news, the get her done part of me will have it complete in a jiffy. Yet, we found out we have to get fingerprinted again (the same place as before) and go to our local police station and get a clearance. Seriously, it will probably be completed by next week.

Our social worker, Brianna, was adorable, adorable enough that I noticed my two boys kept walking by the kitchen (teenage boys). She was also very kind and enthusiastic. Her project date for having the adoption addendum completed is October. I was also relieved to find out that there are many more kids available for adoption in Michigan than what is listed on the adoption website for our state. The reason they don't list all the young ones is that they can get over 200 home studies per child because everyone wants them young. To be honest, 4 to 8 years old seems like an ideal age for me but I wanted to keep an open mind so we put our home study up to age 14. She also stated that the adoption costs would be around $200.00. You can't even get a well-check up for a dog at the pound for that price. Imagine that! Another incentive, they provide is an adoption subsidy to help with extra costs like therapy, doctor appointments, etc. that I am sure we will need.

On a side notes, I was floored this week when someone with a fake profile posted Hitler pictures on my younger son's Facebook. The person also said something to the extent that you are autistic so you might as well stick a rag in the exhaust and die. First of all, my son is not autistic but does that really matter? Yes, I admit that I got extremely pissed off but that's because my son is Cognitively Impaired. When you are a mom with a child that is innocent, you have to make sure that nobody hurts your child because they don't always understand when they are being bullied. Plus, I wanted that boy to know that he messed with the wrong kid!.It wasn't to be mean to the bully, rather make a clear point! Here is what I posted on my son's page:

 I am not normally one to bring up serious issues on Facebook but something very disturbing happened to my son J Man this week on Facebook. As many of you know, J Man has had health issues and does have some disabilities. A person on J Man's Facebook posted  pictures of Hitler and a post that stated “you are autistic so you might as well put a towel in the exhaust and let it run.” Not that it matters, J Man is not autistic, but that was extremely sick.

I did report it on Facebook but nothing happened. There are many kids from our community on this person’s Facebook. All I can say is that J Man truly is one of the kindest people I know and he never has a bad word to say about anybody. He truly reminds me every day to appreciate every moment you have on this earth. I would like to find out who this man face is because I truly think he needs help and that his parents need to know. I am also asking you to share this message and please remember to not be cruel. It is easy to be cruel behind a screen but it is still wrong. This is not meant to be mean to the man face but I am concerned about the comments he is making.

If you look up the definition of the word man, you will see this definition on google, “a man or boy who shows the qualities (such as strength and courage) that men are traditionally supposed to have. It is obvious man face that you truly should not use the word man in your username as your actions defy having any strength and courage”.
J Man's mom

After putting that on his page, many of his friends that watch out for him responded to the page. Some of them talked about their own experience with bullying. Others told me how much J Man makes them smile. It made me feel good that I took a stand and that J Man has people, besides me watching out for him.

I end this with G Man's words that he got from a friend today: " Leave your worries by the shoreline and run your bare feet through the sand. Let the water be a soft bed when you cannot bear to stand. Make friends with flying seagulls and hold the sun up in your palm. Before you duck beneath the water where the world is mute and calm, tell the fish all your problems as they all come swimming past. When your lungs are close to bursting, swim above the waves and gasp. Let the water hold your sadness and wash it right out of the sea. So, like a message in the bottle all your worries are set free.  The sea might make you feel alone but the world has troubles too. For how else do you suppose the ocean got so blue?"

My take we all have problems, some days life is worry free, other days not so much. We have to remember to find the joy in WHAT WE DO HAVE. A great message after such an emotional week at work!

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